visitem, vale a pena!
quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2007
domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2007

Porque a imagem vale mais que mil palavras LOL
Nos últimos dias mais pareço uma burra a olhar pra um palácio, assombrado por sinal!
Pra quem esta na mesma situação ficam os meus pêsames, não se matem já que não vale a pena..
Esperem plo Natal e plas férias a estudar pra frequência de dia 3 de Janeiro! LOL
Enfiiim as prespectivas estão negras mas não há-de ser nada relaxem o nervo!
Keep it simple* e BOA SORTE q bem precisamos!
sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2007
sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2007
'Nunca deixa de ser espantosa a relação íntima, afectiva mesmo, entre as operadoras de comunicação e a chunguice. Os exemplos são incontáveis: desde um slogan a dizer 'carga nisso' até umas colegiais muito contentes porque levaram 25 atrás do ginásio, 25 nas escadas. Agora a nova rede móvel, dos CTT, chama-se phone-ix imagino a cara de contente do génio que teve a ideia luminosa. E a próxima, como vai chamar-se? Fosg-Ass?'
quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2007
Único, doce e personalizado

E porque Natal é época de doces, envia um Chocotelegram. Escolhe uma mensagem simpática e surpreende alguém.
quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2007
terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2007
Apalpanço de fruta?

Fenomenal ideia vinda directamente da Índia! A luta contra o CANCRO DA MAMA continua "worldwide" e é motivo para algumas agências de publicidade fazerem disso alvo de enorme criatividade. Neste caso específico, a Grey aproveitou o facto das senhoras "apalparem" a fruta antes de a comprarem e colocou um autocolante transparente com a mensagem: "Do you check your breasts as carefully?". Genial!
quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007
Os audiolivros chegaram a Portugal!

Afinal quem é que ouve audiolivros por cá?
Quem pensava que a evolução do livro tinha chegado ao fim, enganou-se. Agora vai poder comentar que acabou de ‘ouvir’ um livro.
A História conta-nos que, na Antiguidade, a leitura era um acto sonoro e colectivo, porém, a invenção da imprensa, por parte de Gutenberg, veio remeter a leitura para o plano do privado e do silêncio. O acto de ler passou a ser uma experiência individual.
O avanço tecnológico permite agora ouvir livros através de um leitor portátil, sendo possível transportar uma mini-livraria no bolso. A conversa da falta de tempo vai deixar de ser desculpa. Dentro em breve vai ser possível limpar a casa, passear o cão, fazer ginástica enquanto se ouve um livro. Original, mas não tanto. Quem não se lembra de ouvir a história A Branca de Neve e os Sete Anões ou O Capuchinho Vermelho em vinil ou cassete?
No resto da Europa e nos Estados Unidos, o audiolivro já não é novidade. Alguns destes "livros", como a autobiografia do ex-presidente americano Bill Clinton e o best-seller Harry Potter, foram inclusivamente indicados ao prémio Grammy.
No entanto, em Portugal, os livros falados estão actualmente destinados a crianças ou a invisuais, não existindo muita escolha.
Uma das maiores resistências que os promotores dos audiolivros têm de vencer relaciona-se com a ideia de que estes novos suportes (primeiro a cassete, depois o CD e agora o mp3 e o ipod) alimentam uma certa preguiça dos leitores e contribuem para a iliteracia. Este problema foi várias vezes aflorado, onde Sandra Silva explicou que se "Maomé não vai à montanha, vai a montanha a Maomé". Se os jovens não procuram a literatura, vai a literatura ter com eles, parece ser o objectivo.
Para isso, nesta primeira fase dos “Livros para Ouvir”, a editora disponibiliza seis contos clássicos de autores portugueses:
A Estranha Morte do Professor Antena, de Mário de Sá-Carneiro (lido por João Perry);
Civilização, de Eça de Queirós (por José Wallenstein);
Mulher de Perdição, de Florbela Espanca (Alexandra Lencastre);
Sempre Amigos, de Fialho de Almeida (Eunice Muñoz);
Sete Mulheres, de Camilo Castelo Branco (Nuno Lopes) e
Um Jantar muito Original, de Fernando Pessoa (São José Lapa).
Mas quantas pessoas ao certo é que ouvem audiolivros por cá?
Gostos não se discutem...
(in Time Out Lisboa, 10ª edição)
domingo, 25 de novembro de 2007
sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2007
The Fray - Trust Me
Looking for something
I've never seen
Alone and I'm in between
The place that I'm from and the place that I'm in
A city I never been
I found a friend or should I say a foe
Said there's just a few things you should know
We don't want you to see we come and we go
Here today, gone tomorrow
We're only taking turns
Holding this world
It's how it's always been
When you're older you will understand
If I say who I know it just goes to show
You need me less than I need you
But take it from me we don't give sympathy
You can trust me trust nobody
But I said you and me we don't have honesty
The things we don't want to speak
I'll try to get out but I never will
This traffic is perfectly still
We're only taking turns
Holding this world
It's how it's always been
When you're older you will understand
And then again maybe you don't
And then again maybe you won't
When you're older you might understand
When you're older you might understand
I've never seen
Alone and I'm in between
The place that I'm from and the place that I'm in
A city I never been
I found a friend or should I say a foe
Said there's just a few things you should know
We don't want you to see we come and we go
Here today, gone tomorrow
We're only taking turns
Holding this world
It's how it's always been
When you're older you will understand
If I say who I know it just goes to show
You need me less than I need you
But take it from me we don't give sympathy
You can trust me trust nobody
But I said you and me we don't have honesty
The things we don't want to speak
I'll try to get out but I never will
This traffic is perfectly still
We're only taking turns
Holding this world
It's how it's always been
When you're older you will understand
And then again maybe you don't
And then again maybe you won't
When you're older you might understand
When you're older you might understand
Lê lá as entrelinhas oh ;)
And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And this is how it feels
As we go onWe remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come Whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come Whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
Friends Forever..
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And this is how it feels
As we go onWe remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come Whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come Whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
Friends Forever..
As coisas vulgares que há na vida
Nao deixam saudade
So' as lembran,cas que doem
Ou fazem sorrir
Ha' gente que fica na histo'ria
da histo'ria da gente
So' as lembran,cas que doem
Ou fazem sorrir
Ha' gente que fica na histo'ria
da histo'ria da gente
shine :)

You know it tears me up inside
to see the feelings that you hide
Hide inside that empty bottle
I wish you saw how great you were
I wish you saw what life was worth
You wouldn't have to hide your problems
And I don't care what you might think
I think you've had too much to drink
Can't even talk when you're this way
Run away, run away
But that won't make it any better
Run away, run away
And make tomorrow harder to live than today
There's so much out there you could miss
there's so much life out there to live
If you would just believe in yourself
You know you're better than all of this
you know you've got so much to give
But you're so afraid to give of yourself
There's a bright light shining inside you
it shines out through your eyes
Don't drown it away, don't be afraid, don't hide
Let it shine
You say you're looking for happiness
but when it comes, you run away from it
You tell yourself you don't deserve it
There's not much more that I can do
now the rest is up to you
Until you love yourself, you'll never change
You'll keep on running
Until you deal with today
even if..

Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?I'm a thousand miles away
But girl tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true
Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice
it's my disguise
I'm by your side
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me
Hey there Delilah
I know times are getting hard
But just believe me girl
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar
We'll have it good
We'll have the life we knew we would
My word is good
Hey there Delilah
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all
Oh its what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because we know
That none of them have felt this way
Delilah I can promise you
That by the time we get through
The world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame
Hey there Delilah
You be good and don't you miss me
Two more years and you'll be done with school
And I'll be making history like I do
You know it's all because of you
We can do whatever we want to
Hey there Delilah here's to you
This ones for you
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I was your boyfriend when we were 15
It's the happiest that I've ever been
Even though we didn't understand
How to do much more than just hold hands
There's so much about you I miss
The clumsy way we used to kiss
I wish I convinced you, you've made a mistake
If memory serves, we're still on a break
Other girls went and other girls came
I can't get over my old flame
I'm still in love with Emily Kane
Every girl that I've seen since
Looks just like you when I squint
I know you said it's for the best
I still don't understand why you left
So much about you I miss
Everytime I see a couple kiss
I hope this song finds you fame
I want schoolkids on buses singing your name
Other girls went and other girls came
I can't get over my old flame
I'm still in love with Emily Kane
I don't even know where she lives
I've not seen her in 10 years...9 months, 3 weeks,
4 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes, 5seconds
Other girls went and other girls came
I can't get over my old flame
All my friends think I'm insane
I'm still in love with Emily Kane
There's a beast in us all that can't be tamed
I'm still in love with Emily Kane
I thought I'd never love again
I'm still in love with Emily Kane
The torch that I hold, is always a-flame
I'm still in love with Emily Kane
I hope this song finds you fame
I want schoolkids on buses singing your name
All my friends think I'm insane
I'm still in love with Emily Kane
Emily Kane, Emily Kane, Emily Kane!

On nights like these I feel like falling to my knees
I feel like calling Heaven as lonely as a boat out on the sea
I turn the dial on my radio
trying to find an all night station,
I want to hear a song I know,
a song about my situation.
Somewhere out there must be a boy for this girl
could be anywhere could be next door or the other side of the world.
there must be someone
there must be someone like me sitting lonely as a boat out there..
keep the rigth profile?

You keep the right profile
Eat the right food
Keep the right profile
You do what you do
You keep it all tied up
You keep it all tight
You don't stay in bed all morning
Don't stay up all night
When your gone you don't come back
You've got to keep the right profile all the time
And it's a wonderful life
Yes it's a wonderful life when you do what you like
I heard about your problems
I know you got yourself
But all your fake tears easy money
They don't mean a thing to me
And when your gone you don't come back
Just go and keep the right profile all the time look confused and you dont know what to do
It's hard to get an answer when you havent got a clue!
Eat the right food
Keep the right profile
You do what you do
You keep it all tied up
You keep it all tight
You don't stay in bed all morning
Don't stay up all night
When your gone you don't come back
You've got to keep the right profile all the time
And it's a wonderful life
Yes it's a wonderful life when you do what you like
I heard about your problems
I know you got yourself
But all your fake tears easy money
They don't mean a thing to me
And when your gone you don't come back
Just go and keep the right profile all the time look confused and you dont know what to do
It's hard to get an answer when you havent got a clue!
The Little Mermaid

(Escute aqui
O mundo humano e' uma bagunça
a vida submarina e' bem melhor que tudo que eles tem la)
O fruto do meu vizinho
Parece melhor que o meu
Seu sonho de ir lá em cima
Eu creio que é engano seu
Voce tem aqui no fundo
Conforto ate' demais
E' tão belo nosso mundo
O que que você quer mais
Onde eu nasci, onde eu cresci
E' mais molhado, eu sou vidrado por tudo aqui
La' se trabalha o dia inteiro
La' são escravos do dinheiro
A vida e' boa, eu vivo 'a toa, onde eu nasci
Vou lhe contar, aqui no mar
Ninguém nos segue, nem nos perseguem
Pra nos fritar
Se os peixes querem ver o sol
Tomem cuidado com o anzol
Ate' o escuro e' mais seguro aqui no mar
Onde eu nasci
Neste oceano, entra e sai ano
Tem tudo aqui
Os peixes param de nadar
Quando e' hora de tocar
Temos a bossa que e' toda nossa
Aqui no mar..
I go back to the start...
The world seems so cold
When I face so much all alone
A little scared to move on
And knowing how fast I have grown
I wonder just where I fit in
I will keep on traveling this road
I will be strong on my own
foi fácil

"As pessoas passam pela vida como sonanbulas, preocupam-se com o que não é importante, querem ter dinheiro e notoriedade, invejam os outros e esmifram-se por coisas que não valem a pena. Levam vidas sem sentido. Limitam-se a comer, dormir e a inventar problemas que as mantenham ocupadas. Privilegiam o acessório e esquecem o essencial.
Quando de repente o pesadelo se torna tão insuportável, que finalmente despertamos.."
Quando de repente o pesadelo se torna tão insuportável, que finalmente despertamos.."
Descobres o mundo de quem tem pouco a perder.

" E quando à tua frente se abrirem muitas estradas e não souberes a que hás-de escolher, não metas por uma ao acaso, senta-te e espera. Respira com a mesma profundidade confiante com que respiraste no dia em que vieste ao mundo, e sem deixares que nada te distraia, espera e volta a esperar. Fica quieta, em silencio, e ouve o teu coração.
Quando ele te falar, levanta-te, e vai para onde ele te levar..
Quando ele te falar, levanta-te, e vai para onde ele te levar..
Não tenhas medo, deixa o mundo girar para o lado que quer, não o podes parar nem tens nada a perder.
Não leves a mal se te manda avançar, talvez seja o sinal que não podes parar.."

O nada não ilumina, não inspira, não aflige nem acalma, apenas amplia o vazio que cada um traz dentro d si..
Não deixes que a saudade sufoque, que a rotina acomode, que o medo te impeça de tentar .
Desconfia do Destino e acredita em ti.
Perde mais horas a realizar do que a sonhar...
A fazer do que a planear...
A viver do que a esperar...
Embora quem quase morre esteja vivo,
Quem quase vive já morreu!

Encerrar ciclos, fechar portas, terminar capítulos. Porque é preciso saber quando uma etapa chega ao fim. Não por causa do orgulho, por incapacidade ou por soberba, mas porque simplesmente aquilo já não se encaixa mais na tua vida.
Fecha a porta, muda o disco e sacode a poeira.
Deixa de ser quem eras e transforma-te em quem és.
Na tua história há capítulos mais e menos difíceis, mais e menos belos, mas são capítulos.
O que passou, não volta e no teu livro não podes parar a meio, as páginas vão-se passar, quer queiras quer não.
Aproveita todas as frases da tua história, não vais voltar a lê-las como da primeira vez. Não deixes paginas sem leres todas as entrelinhas de cada uma.
Só no fim poderás dizer qual foi o capítulo que mais gostaste.
Ao novo capítulo..
Com um sorriso assim, daqueles bem rasgados (:
Joana Pinto (Setembro 2006)
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